Appeals Division
In terms of article 57 of the Constitution, PSC has delegated its power of appointment, promotion, transfer, disciplinary control and dismissal of certain categories of public officers to certain public officers by the Government Gazette (Extraordinary) No. 1941/41 of 20.11.2015 and these delegations of powers have been amended by the Government Gazettes (Extraordinary) No. 1955/22 of 25.02.2016, No.2016/37 of 26.04.2017, No.2078/29 of 03.07.2018, No.2131/61 of 13.07.2019 and No.2146/5 of 21.10.2019.
In terms of article 58(1) of the Constitution , any public officer aggrieved by an order made by an aforesaid authority with delegated power, has the right to appeal against such order in writing to the Public Service Commission and those appeals are handled by the Appeals Division of the Public Service Commission.
In terms of article 56 of the Constitution, the Public Service Commission has delegated its powers of appointment, promotion, transfer, disciplinary control and dismissal of certain categories of public officers to the Education Service Committee and the Health Service Committee of the Public Service Commission by the Government Gazette (Extraordinary) No. 2014/3 of 01.02.2017 and No. 2004/49 of 01.02.2017.
Appeals Division handles appeals submitted by the public officers aggrieved by the decisions made by the above Committees in connection with transfers as well.
In addition to handling the appeals of the public officers as described above, the Appeals Division engages in following matters.
- Appearing before the AAT in connection with appeals submitted by the public officers who aggrieved by the decisions of the Public Service Commission as mentioned above.
- Preparation of observations and participating in consultations with the Attorney General’s Department relating to the applications filed in the Superior Courts against a decision of a authority with delegated power or decision made by the Public Service Commission for an appeal submitted by the officer.
- Preparing and providing reports to the Human Rights Commission and Ombudsman, in connection with appeals made to them.
- Catering for requests made under the RTI Act.
- Appearing before the Public Petition Committee of the Parliament.